Sustainable tourism has emerged as a vital aspect of the travel industry, with increasing awareness of the environmental, social, and economic impacts of tourism. Several certifications and labels have been established in Europe to promote and recognize sustainable tourism practices. These certifications serve as valuable tools for travellers, businesses, and […]
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Tourism economic leakage refers to the phenomenon where a significant portion of the revenue generated by tourism flows out of the destination, rather than benefiting the local economy. The consequences of tourism economic leakage have negative impacts on the host community and its long-term development. Here are the most relevant: […]
Tourism cultural exploitation has many negative consequences, both for the communities being exploited and for the overall sustainability of the tourism industry. Tourism often involves visiting unique cultural sites and engaging with local communities. However, unchecked tourism growth leads to the erosion of local cultures and traditions. Sustainable tourism promotes […]
Sustainable tourism, also known as responsible tourism or ecotourism, initially gained prominence due to its focus on environmental conservation and minimizing negative impacts on natural ecosystems. However, sustainable tourism has evolved over time to encompass broader social, cultural, and fairness aspects. While there may still be a perception that sustainable […]
Responsible and sustainable tourism is not solely focused on the environment because it recognizes that tourism has impacts beyond just ecological aspects. While the environment is a crucial component of sustainable tourism, there are several other dimensions that need to be considered for tourism to be truly responsible and sustainable. […]