The first Skal Europe Awards for Sustainability and Quality have been assigned to the winners on the 23d of October, after the Annual General Meeting at Hotel Ca’ Sagredo in Venezia. These awards are the great result of the work done in the previous months by Armando Ballarin, at the […]
Topic News
The following gallery covers the Skal Europe Awards for Sustainability and Quality ceremony, led by Armando Ballarin who strongly beleived in this project.
Below are the pictures of the Election event that was held at Ca’ Sagredo on the 23d of October 2021.
On the 23d of October 2021, in Venezia at Hotel Ca’ Sagredo, the official announcement of the election results was given by Daniela Otero, CEO of Skal International. The recording of the entire session cleaned only of some blank moments is available to all Clubs for review and future reference.
The new Skal Europe Board is committed to sustainability and refers to the United Nations 2030 Agenda, of which all of our member countries are signatories. The competitiveness and sustainability of the tourism industry go hand in hand as the quality of tourist destinations is strongly influenced by their natural […]
The Advanced Leadership Foundation, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Incyde Foundation held on October 26 and 27 in Barcellona, a World Summit to discuss the future challenges facing the global economy in the short, medium, and long term, bringing together some of the most influential leaders and institutions […]
The election of the new Board of Skal Europe Area Committee was held between the 18th and the 20th of October 2021. The results have been announced by Skal International CEO Daniela Otero during the Annual General Meeting held in Venice at Hotel Ca’ Sagredo on the 23d of October […]
Candidature for Skal Europe International Councillor The two main mottos of Skal International, “Connecting tourism globally” and “To be a trusted voice in Travel and Tourism” inspired me to join Skal International, back in 2008. Since then, alongside many Skalleagues, my experience offered me a new level of understanding and […]
Candidature statement for Skal Europe Web Director Online activities are central to our organization because our Members are scattered over a large geographical area, speak many languages, have different cultural approaches, and have many ways to run the activities of their Clubs.The pandemic forced all of us to use Zoom […]
Skål Europe – Communication Director I am submitting my candidature with the following ideas and targets: Push and promote the existing web platforms (,, a good knowledge among Clubs and members about the Digital TransformationAmeliorate the communications to Clubs and members via mailings and digital platforms as for […]
Candidature statement for Skål Europe Secretary and Treasurer ● We need a strong Skål Europe to get to the table with large international companies, airlines, tour operators, hotel brands, etc. in a way a single club can’t.● Skål European clubs need higher-profile members. The quality of the network is more […]
Candidature statement for Skal Europe Vice President Our motto is Good Health, Friendship, Long Life, Happiness and in future normality these words will not only be kind ones but a real “Manifesto” for the tourism sector. Experience at the service of the Skallegues is the Academy motto and I’d like […]
Francisco Rivero Program That the headquarters of Skal Internacional continues in Spain as a leading country in tourismGet more partners for Skal Europe.Open more clubs in all countries.Carry out professional activities.Present by videoconference the companies and professional activities of the partners.Carry out tele-networking activities.Face-to-face visits to cities where there are […]
Vision for SKAL International Europe Area and the position of the President Europe is the homeland of tourism starting centuries ago for the issues of learning and science, thousands of years ago already for trade and innovation. An own SKAL International Europe Area and an Area Committee is a vital […]
The 1st Annual General Meeting of the Skål International Europe Area Committee will be held hybrid, in person and virtually at Venice (location to be confirmed by Skål International Venice), on Saturday 23 October 2021, commencing at 09:30h AM. Call for nominations of Board Officers We will require candidatures to […]
Message from President Eric Etienne Dear Skalleagues, Finally, it looks like we are emerging from these long, dark times. The situation may not improve as quickly as we would like, but everywhere, in Europe, lights become green. Tourism people are full of optimism. We in Skål are full of optimism […]
What Young Skal members expect from the Club Between the 10th and 12th of February 2021, Skal International Roma conducted a survey on the entire Young Skal population of the Skal Europe Area Committee (SEAC). The survey is composed of 8 questions to measure the sentiment of Young Skal members, […]
Skal Europe wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021 Dear Friends and Skalleagues, Our European Committee has existed since July 14th. Almost 6 months! What have we been doing during this time? Nothing strongly visible! However… The establishment of the structure, the organization of its functioning allowed the members […]