A European widely shared proposal based on open and democratic talks. ProposalA New Skal Governance with Integrated ControllingAccording to the Rules of Democracy The 20th-century Colombian philosopher Nicolás Gómez Dávila wrote: “Dying societies tend to accumulate laws like dying humans collect medical elixirs.” Doesn’t that remind us of our Statutes […]
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This letter was removed at the personal request of President Burcin Turkkan who felt harassed and slandered. It was never aimed to create this impression.
SKÅL INTERNATIONAL – PROPOSED GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE Dear Skålleagues, There have been several opinions and perspectives shared recently on the proposed changes to Skål’s Governance Structure. I would like to clarify my position on this issue, as the Immediate Past President. Members have been very vocal over the past years about […]
Skal Bucharest will vote against the proposed resolution as It doesn’t address the main issues of Skal. After over 90 years of the Guidance and rules given to us by our forefathers, that walked Skal through a world war, the boom of tourism, and the internet revolution we are now […]
SI Finland NC statement: It is truly sad that the organisation we love has found itself in a situation where trust, transparency and long-term leadership have been replaced by bickering, self-interest, political blockades and a semblance of democracy. The questions are many: Why are we rushing ahead of a big […]
After reading the communiqué sent by the World President of Skål International and once revising the attached documentation, Skål Internacional Málaga – Costa del Sol EXPLICITS ITS POSITION: FIRST.- That it considers necessary a revision of the Statutes and Protocols of Internal Regime for an adaptation of the Association to […]
Italian Clubs decide to reject the proposal for amendments to the statutes and regulations of President Turkkan and its E. C. Skal Italia is proud to be part of a prestigious International Tourism organization based on ethical principles and friendship between people. The Board of Skal Italia, based on the unanimous […]
In preparation for the upcoming EOGA in July Skal Europe President, Franz Heffeter, who was also on the Governance Committee, provides European Clubs with reasons for which this proposed reform is going too fast, generating unfairness, lack of control on expenditure, and higher fees. June 2022 Newsletter Dear Presidents,July 9th […]