Quality Awards 2021

SKAL is a very unique environment, where members actively produce new ideas on how to develop business in tourism.

The COVID crisis has given a new drive towards recovering with new parameters and objectives. Tourism as it was before, with its huge numbers at the cost of harming the natural, cultural, artistic and social environments is simply not sustainable. Also, all the countries in our continent have committed to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.

Vicepresident Armando Ballarin has been given the task to coordinate with National Committees to identify best practices and projects complying with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda over six topics related to tourism in Europe:

  1. Development of Art and Culture tourism while preserving and protecting the heritage in sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11)
  2. Development of Gastronomy tourism while protecting unique agriculture and food chains through Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12)
  3. New approaches to Marketing and Sales preventing over-tourism, over-exploitation of destinations through Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8)
  4. New Digital approaches promoting tourism while Reducing inequality (SDG 5 and 10)
  5. Tourism development projects or best practices with significant reduction of environmental impact (SDG 13)
  6. Research and Innovation programs providing enhanced education, forecasting, and planning options to tourism operators (SDG 4 and 9).

National Committees and Clubs are invited to submit projects by September 30, 2021. Candidate projects must be sent to SKAL Europe Secretary. Project must originate from SKAL members or their associates, Club initiatives, outstanding subjects of their territories.

A specifically designated commission will then evaluate the project and assign the Awards.

Award winners will be officially announced during the Annual General Assembly of SKAL Europe.