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Skal Roma Day 2021

December 4, 2021 @ 12:00 pm December 5, 2021 @ 12:00 am CET

On December 4, 2021 (Saturday) Skal Roma will celebrate the Skal Roma Day, which will see the double twinning with Budapest and Madrid at the Domitian Stadium, followed in the evening by a Convivial Christmas Gala, at the Quirinale Hotel where the Skal Roma Awards will be delivered.


3 December at 8.00 PM: For those in Rome since Friday a special “Get together” dinner at Ristorante DA VINCENZO, via Castelfidardo 6 Rome. Degustation menu of the Roman traditional cuisine.

December 4 at 11.00 AM: Arrival and reception of delegates and participants to the TWINNING CEREMONY. The double twinning ceremony between Skal Roma, Skal Madrid and Skal Budapest will be held in the ruins of the Stadium of Domitian, Via Tor Sanguigna 3. The ruins of the Stadium of Domitian are a Unesco World Heritage Site and are located about 4.50 meters below street level under Piazza Navona. At 11.30 AM the beginning of the double twinning ceremony. At 12.30 PM visit of the Archeological Area of the Stadium guided by an archaeological specialist. At 1.15 PM lunch in one of the halls of the Stadium.

In the afternoon possibility of guided tour:

  • 3.30 PM: Ara Pacis 15 Euro
  • 5.00 PM: Visit the Mausoleum of Augustus 15 Euro

December 4 at 8.30 PM: Dinner gala Hotel Quirinale with the delivery of the Skal Roma Awards.

December 5, for those who remain in Rome, the possibility of participation in the 11.00 AM Papal Angelus at Saint Peter’s square or a special visit to one of the city museums. More updates as soon as available.

A valid Green Pass (QR Code) is mandatory. Further Covid related restrictions can be required by the single locations or businesses.

Participation costs

  • Get together Ristorante da Vincenzo: 45 Euro, drinks included
  • The twinning event (Skal Roma, Skal Madrid and Skal Budapest) at the Stadium of Domitian: 50 Euro, including lunch, visits, and aperitif
  • Gala Dinner at Hotel Quirinale: 70 Euro per person, drinks included

How to book

1 – Contracted hotels

Contact directly the reception of the hotel of your choice (you can click the names of the hotels) quoting/making reference to the negotiated SKAL rate

DSU: Double Single-Use

2 – The events

To book the events please send by email to vanessa.cerrone@skalroma.org, Secretary of Skal Roma, the participation form you find below in the page, duly filled in.

A payment request will then be sent to be made by bank transfer to the account in the name of the Skal Club of Rome below:

Unicredit Banca Di Roma,
IBAN: IT65V0200805203000400625552

Important information about COVID-19:

It should be noted that in compliance with the D.L. n. 105 of 23 July 2021 on urgent measures to deal with the epidemiology emergency from Covid-19 with particular reference to art. 3, paragraph 1, access to the aforementioned events is allowed only to subjects in possession of the Green Certification Covid-19 (also called Green Pass), issued in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree n. 52 of 22 April 2021 (converted with amendments by Law no. 87 of 17 June 2021). The entry of participants to the locations is subject to possession and on-site verification of the certification.

Note that any interaction with the general public carries a high risk of exposure to COVID-19; SKAL International Rome encourages you to follow the safety policies in force on the matter.

Skal Roma Day Participation form

Skal Roma Academy

View Organizer Website

Stadium of Domitian – Rome

Via di Tor Sanguigna, 3
Rome, 00186 Italy
+ Google Map
+39 06 6880 5311
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