Call for Skal Europe AGA 2023 and election of the new board.

All clubs belonging to the Skal Europe Area Committee are invited to participate in the AGA that will be held in Malaga, on Saturday, November 4th at 9 AM at Hotel Ilunion Málaga, P.º Maritimo Antonio Machado, 10. Participation is free of charge.


The AGA will be held at one of the meeting halls of Hotel Ilunion Malaga on November 4th, 2023.

This will be the Agenda of the day:

  • 9:00 Welcome, presentation of delegations, sponsors
  • 9:15 President’s report on 2021-2023 activity
  • 9:45 Q&A with the old board
  • 10:00 Sustainability Awards winners
  • 10:30 Break
  • 11:00 Results of elections and presentation of new board 2023-2025
  • 11:15 Presentation of the 2023-2025 activity program by the new board
  • 11:45 Q&A with the new board
  • 12:00 Closing of AGA

Timeline of the election process

  • July 7, call for the AGA
  • July 19, online meeting open to all clubs to discuss the election process and the needs of Skal Europe
  • August 21, the opening of terms to present candidates
  • September 23, October 7 is the extended date to present candidates
  • October 15 (approx), meeting with clubs to present candidates (all info and programs will be published on
  • October 23 to October 29, October 16 to October 25 online elections (through ElectionBuddy)
  • November 4, AGA

What candidatures are needed

The elections will be for the following positions:

  • President
  • Two (2) Vice presidents
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Two (2) Auditors
  • PR Communications officer
  • Membership Development officer

The new board will nominate a web administrator. Members of the new board or appointed Directors will be assigned the management of the following topics: Academy, Young Skal, Art and Culture, Guides, Airlines, Sustainable tourism including Awards, technology and startups, AGA 2024 and 2025,

The position of Treasurer involves as well fundraising activity, through sponsors and voluntary donations from Clubs and National Committees. The existence of such funds requires auditors to certify the accounts to the membership, the Board and the sponsors.

How to candidate

Any Active, Life, Retired or Young Skål Professional member who has been a member of Skål for at least two years is eligible to stand for election to the Board or as Auditor.

Candidatures must be sent to and, with in CC, after August 21 and before September 23, 2023.

Each candidate must submit a Professional and Skal resume, a two-year program of activities, and a good portrait picture in JPG format, not smaller than 800 X 800 pixels and in good resolution.


To be able to properly configure ElectionBuddy we need to receive before October 20, 2023, from each club:

Name, last name, email and cellphone number of the voting delegate (2 delegates for clubs with 65+ members).
Please send this information to

Sustainability Awards

During the AGA 9 Sustainable Tourism Awards will be given in the following categories:

  • Countryside and Biodiversity
  • Community and Government Projects
  • Educational Institutions/Programmes and Media
  • Major Tourist Attractions
  • Marine & Coastal
  • Rural Accommodation
  • Tour Operators-Travel Agents
  • Tourism Transportation
  • Urban Accommodation

More information about the awards can be found here and here.

The deadline for the presentation of Sustainable Tourism projects is September 15, 2023.

Sponsorships and donations

Skal Europe was founded on the premise that it would not be an extra cost for Members and Clubs. However, we need money to organize the AGA, maintain the internet infrastructure, and participate in international events.

Skal Europe can offer individual (private) sponsors: visibility through our channels (interview on, an article about the company, posters and other advertising materials during the AGA and other events, the possibility of holding a European webinar, and inclusion in the European newsletters).

Skal Europe can offer Clubs and National committees more visibility to members (to be determined together), inclusion in a special list of Supporting Clubs, and preferential inclusion of content in the Skal Europe channels (web, social and mailing).

Donations and sponsorships may be sent to the following bank account:

IBAN: AT08 1200 0520 7890 9701


Holder: Skal International Austria

For more information on donations please contact President Franz Heffeter or Paolo Bartolozzi.