Europe's Voice of Tourism

Driving Innovation in Tourism

An Exclusive Interview with Moritz Freise, President of Skål International Berlin.

The Tourism Innovation Night is set to be a groundbreaking event, uniting the brightest minds in tourism to address the industry’s most pressing challenges. With a focus on sustainability, innovation, and collaboration, this event is not just a conversation starter but a catalyst for real change. Attendees can look forward to engaging in discussions, valuable networking opportunities, and the chance to be part of a movement that will shape the future of tourism for years to come.

Berlin, August 2024 – In the rapidly evolving world of tourism, innovation and collaboration are essential to navigating the industry’s complexities. Moritz Freise, President of Skål International Berlin and co-organizer of the Tourism Innovation Night, leads the charge in fostering these crucial elements. Supported by the main sponsor Customer Alliance and a strong lineup of partners including Berlin Partner, Visit Berlin, Pullman Hotels, Young Talents, and Socialbnb, the event promises to be a cornerstone for driving change in the sector. Skål Europe sat down with Moritz to discuss the event’s vision, the critical importance of sustainability, and how technology is shaping the future of tourism.

Skål Europe: Moritz, thank you for joining us. The Tourism Innovation Night has quickly become a landmark event in the tourism industry. What was the inspiration behind this initiative?

Moritz Freise: The inspiration for the Tourism Innovation Night came from recognizing the urgent need for collaboration in our industry. The challenges we face—sustainability, over-tourism, or the need for more personalized travel experiences—are too large for any single entity to tackle alone. Skål International has always championed the idea of bringing people together, connecting tourism professionals worldwide for over 90 years. This event is an extension of that mission. By creating a platform where industry leaders, innovators, and newcomers can come together, we aim to foster the kind of collaborative innovation that can lead to real, impactful change in tourism.

Skål Europe: This year’s event focuses heavily on sustainability and social impact. Why is this focus particularly important in today’s tourism industry?

Moritz Freise: Sustainability and social impact are more than just trends; they are necessities in today’s tourism landscape. Tourism is a major driver of global economies, but it also has significant environmental and social implications. This year, we wanted to highlight how sustainable practices can be integrated into the industry to ensure that tourism continues to thrive without compromising the environments and cultures that make it special. By focusing on sustainability, we are not only ensuring the long-term success of our industry but also fulfilling our responsibility to the planet and the communities that depend on tourism.

Skål Europe: One of the highlights of the evening is the session “From Conservation to Innovation – Costa Rica’s Journey to Sustainable Tourism.” What can attendees expect from this discussion?

Moritz Freise: Costa Rica is a global leader in sustainable tourism, and we are incredibly honoured to have Ambassador Antonio Lehmann Gutiérrez with us to discuss the country’s journey. Attendees can expect to gain deep insights into how Costa Rica has successfully balanced economic growth with environmental conservation. The session will also feature Stefan Pettersson of Gameng, along with Alex Haufschild and Nils Lohmann from Socialbnb, who will share their perspectives on how these practices can be adapted globally. This discussion will provide valuable lessons on sustainable destination management, which is increasingly important as more regions seek to preserve their natural and cultural heritage.

Skål Europe: Another key session is on AI and guest feedback management, led by Précilia Cerqueira. How do you see technology influencing the future of tourism?

Moritz Freise: Technology, particularly AI, is set to revolutionize the tourism industry. Précilia Cerqueira’s session on AI-driven guest feedback management will highlight how technology can transform how we understand and cater to our guests’ needs. In today’s competitive environment, having the right data is crucial, and AI helps us collect and analyze this data more effectively. This not only improves guest satisfaction but also promotes sustainability by optimizing resources and reducing waste. This session will demonstrate how technology can support both operational excellence and environmental responsibility, which are key to the future of tourism.

Skål Europe: The event also features a discussion on the future of travel and the innovations needed to address current industry fragmentation. Can you share more about this session?

Moritz Freise: Certainly. The session “Navigating the Perfect Storm: Innovating the Future of Travel,” featuring Robert Palinkas and myself, will address some of the most pressing challenges facing the tourism industry today—such as over-tourism, the demand for personalization, and the rapid advancement of AI. We will discuss how disruptive innovations, such as the active knowledge graph and Human Interest-Based Travel Research, can revolutionize travel experiences. These technologies provide personalized points of interest, support AI-powered apps, and help content creators and tourism businesses regain visibility. This session will explore how these innovations can create a more connected and efficient travel industry, benefiting both businesses and travellers.

Skål Europe: The Tourism Innovation Night also aims to bridge the gap between industry veterans and the next generation of tourism professionals. Can you tell us more about this aspect of the event?

Moritz Freise: One of our key goals with this event is to foster connections between seasoned professionals and the next generation of tourism leaders. We’ve partnered with Young Talents to ensure that students and young entrepreneurs have the opportunity to engage with industry veterans. This exchange is crucial because the future of tourism will be shaped by the innovative ideas of the younger generation. By creating a space where these emerging professionals can connect with experienced leaders, we’re helping to cultivate the next wave of tourism innovators. This aspect of the event underscores the power of the Skål network in fostering relationships and sharing knowledge across generations.

Skål Europe: The event is being hosted at the prestigious Pullman Hotel Berlin Schweizer Hof, with support from key partners like Customer Alliance. How important are these partnerships in making the Tourism Innovation Night a success?

Moritz Freise: The support from our main sponsor, Customer Alliance, along with our partners—Berlin Partner, Visit Berlin, Pullman Hotels, Young Talents, and Socialbnb—has been essential. Hosting the event at the Pullman Hotel Berlin Schweizer Hof, one of Berlin’s most prestigious venues, adds a level of sophistication and style that aligns perfectly with our vision for the night. These partnerships have allowed us to bring together a diverse and influential group of speakers and participants. It’s through these collaborations that we’ve been able to create an event that not only sparks important discussions but also leads to actionable outcomes. We’re grateful for their support in making this event a reality.

Skål Europe: Finally, Moritz, what do you hope attendees will take away from the Tourism Innovation Night?

Moritz Freise: I hope that attendees leave the Tourism Innovation Night feeling inspired and equipped to make meaningful changes within their organizations and communities. This event is about more than just networking; it’s about driving real, lasting impact in the tourism industry. Whether through embracing new technologies, adopting sustainable practices, or building stronger partnerships, I want participants to walk away with actionable insights that they can implement immediately. The discussions we’ll have and the connections we’ll make are the foundation for the future of tourism. The true success of this event will be measured by the positive changes that result from the ideas and collaborations that are sparked here.

Skål Europe: Thank you, Moritz, for your insights and for leading the charge in organizing such a significant event.

Moritz Freise: Thank you, it’s been a pleasure. I’m looking forward to seeing the outcomes of the Tourism Innovation Night and how it will help shape the future of our industry.