For Vicepresident: Francisco Rivero

Francisco Rivero Program

  • That the headquarters of Skal Internacional continues in Spain as a leading country in tourism
  • Get more partners for Skal Europe.
  • Open more clubs in all countries.
  • Carry out professional activities.
  • Present by videoconference the companies and professional activities of the partners.
  • Carry out tele-networking activities.
  • Face-to-face visits to cities where there are Skal clubs.
  • More twinning between clubs.
  • Get young skalegas in all clubs.
  • Contactwithprofessionalassociations:Hotels, travel agencies, airlines,employers,etc.
  • Involvelocal, regional, national and European tourism authorities in the activities of Skal Europa clubs.
  • Inform about the activities through social networks (blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.), but also in the classic news media: Written PR, radio, television, trade tourism magazines, gastronomy, art, history, make themselves known to the general public.
  • Be present, like Skal, in each and every one of the tourism fairs, both locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.
  • Program and direct Tourism courses at the Universities of Europe.
  • Participate in meetings, conferences, programs dedicated to tourism as professional skalegas.
  • Sponsor meetings. I give as examples: Skal de Madrid sponsors and promotes the International Congress of Religious Tourism and the International Guitar Festival “Andrés Segovia”.