Candidature statement for Skal Europe Web Director
Online activities are central to our organization because our Members are scattered over a large geographical area, speak many languages, have different cultural approaches, and have many ways to run the activities of their Clubs.
The pandemic forced all of us to use Zoom for our meetings and webinars, newsletters to maintain contact with Members, websites to publish information, and manage the finances and accounting of Clubs.
I participated in the first year of operations of SKAL Europe and did the setup of three main tools:
- VEWS – Visit Europe With SKAL, the first continental B2B website for “Doing Business Among Friends”; it can be seen at https://www.visiteuropewithskal.eu/. It contains already a small number of Members company information in a format that enables everyone to participate.
- SKAL Europe corporate website – two versions were implemented and the current one is aimed to promote the activities of Clubs, National and Area Committees. Can be seen at https://www.skaleurope.org/.
- SKAL Europe digital transformation website at https://europe.skal.org/. This website will have in it all the National Committees and Club websites.
I am submitting my candidature with the following targets:
- Select, with the help of European Clubs, a small international IT group to maintain and develop the existing online infrastructure. I would personally train each new member of this group and provide an online platform so that this group can work effectively.
- Maintain and continue to develop the existing platforms (points 1, 2 and 3 above).
- Create a group with all the web administrators (in Clubs and Country Committees) to ensure a proper implementation of the Digital Transformation within the shortest amount of time.
- Setup the mailing and other communications tools (including Zoom, YouTube, Election Buddy, Mailchimp) for the operations that will be decided by the Board and by the Communications Director.
- Integrate such tools with social media and other platforms as required by the Board and the Communications Director.
- Implement, based on Board decisions, further integrations or opportunities coming from Clubs or National Committees.
My candidature is of technical nature and is aimed to give the SKAL Europe Board all the necessary means to conduct activities, for the benefit of Members and Clubs, and in the most transparent and democratic way.