Italy meets Germany

No, it’s not a football game. Italian and German operators met in a very enjoyable presentation with the true spirit of Doing Business Among Friends.

On May 23d, 17 members belonging to 11 different Skal Clubs from Germany and Italy met online to introduce themselves, and their companies, creating new business links. The event was organized by Skal Berlin together with Skal Roma and Skal Italia.

This is a new format, initiated by Skal Roma with an online meeting between Italian and Mexican operators, on the occasion of the launching of the new route of AeroMexico from Mexico DF to Rome. Skal Italia picked up the idea and, together with Moritz Freise, the new energetic president of Skal Berlin, organized Italy meets Germany.

Every participant spoke for about three minutes and the meeting lasted one hour, as promised. After the meeting, every participant will receive from the organizer the full list of speakers with the necessary contact details for the follow-up. Some speakers were reluctant to renew their membership, but did so once they got the news of this event where only members can present themselves and get the list of contacts. Therefore it was not only business among friends, but also member retention.

To note, on the side, the presence of three potential members as observers only. Two already confirmed that they wish to enrol in Skal, making the meeting a membership development tool as well.

Moritz Freise said that “This is the first out-of-the-ordinary event of my presidency, it was hard to organize but it gave me the opportunity to speak with other German Clubs and am eager to do more!“.