Minutes of the 2022 AGA held in Rijeka

On the 14th of October 2022, Skal Europe held its Annual General Assembly in Rijeka City Hall in the presence of Skal Europe Presidents and Delegates.


  1. Activities Report Skal Europe
  2. The proposed new Governance Model and Skal Europe representation in E. C. and Committees; the future role of International Councillors
  3. Voting Procedures at the Congress
  4. How to enlarge the presence and role of Skal in Europe
  5. Young Skal and Young Managers: proposals for the future of Skal
  6. Open discussion on focus and next activities
  7. “Skal Europe” Branded Scarfs
  8. Miscellaneous

President Franz Heffeter opens the meeting at 14:30 and thanks Past World President Nik Rakic for his effort to provide the opportunity of meeting in the prestigious Rijeka City Hall General Assembly Meeting Room without charge for Skal Europe.

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President Franz Heffeter reports on the activities of Skal Europe. He refers to previous online meetings. Especially the difficulties of personal meetings during the pandemic were discussed. The situation of membership in the different clubs and how to enlarge it was also a major topic.

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Vice President Tito Livio Mongelli and President Franz Heffeter go over the details and effects of the new Governance model and they report on the dynamics of work in the Committee. The questions focus mainly on the different sizes of the regions and how membership development will be integrated. Also, the elections which will be necessary are discussed as well as the cost of the new model.

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The voting system is presented and the delegates are asked to get into contact with the online voting clubs to inform them about the importance of voting if they want to express their interest and their commitment.

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There has been a long time without any influence of the European clubs in the international Skal organization which shows quite in clubs and membership a lack of interest in international ongoings. Director David Fontanella motivates the delegates and representatives to check the Skal Europe website regularly as it provides not only reports and dates but useful information to get the clubs in closer contact. Skal Europe enhances the interaction of clubs and therefore increases the understanding of the need for an organization like Skal and also for the younger members.

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President Franz Heffeter reports about the ISC meeting and the planning of a new Young Skal Professionals category. Cooperation with EU Erasmus+ programme institutions gives a chance to require excellent funding for giving young members the chance of international exposure and therefore create a better interest to work in the industry. VP Tito Livio Mongelli presents the Skal Europe program for Young Skal and Young Skal Professionals. He refers to the upcoming Academy Programme and invites the participants to share the information effectively with the membership.

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There was a friendly and deep-cutting discussion on several topics and many interventions in a very good and respectful atmosphere. The discussion goes mainly about how necessary the new Governance Model is and what benefit is created by it. “Any change because of change is needed” reflects the frustration of many about the permanent loss of membership and the lack of manifestation of the clubs in the Executive Committee. Others complain that the new model does not show the issue of making Skal more attractive and does not give reasons for becoming a member in times of modern communication.

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First time ever Skal Europe shows a sort of CI with branded scarfs. They were sponsored by Skal Suisse (President Franz Heffeter gives thanks to Suisse President David Fontanella) and ALE –Arbeiten und Lernen in Europa, a Salzburg-based organization which provides Erasmus+ sponsorship for students and apprentices in the industry. 100 scarfs were produced in Europe/Romania. The merit goes to Skal Europe International Councillor Georgeta Grecu who has managed the design and
the production.

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As there are no more questions and contributions President Franz Heffeter closes the meeting at 15:30 and thanks the participants for coming. He invites them to participate in the Rijeka City Tour guided by an excellent guide who showed and accompanied the way from the lunch location to the venue of the General Assembly already. He thanks PP Nik Rakic again for making it possible to meet in this wonderful location.

Minutes taken by Franz Heffeter, Tito Livio Mongelli, David Fontanella.