
Nominations for Director, Auditor/Deputy Auditor and Membre D’honneur Of Skål International

The new deadline is from June 30 to July 31 for presenting candidates.

Dear Skålleagues,

As you know, the deadline for the presentation of nominations for Directors, Auditor/Deputy Auditor, and Membre d’Honneur of Skål International is 30 June of the year the election is to occur. You must have read in a recent communication, that Skål International clubs have been called to an Extraordinary General Assembly to be held virtually on 9 July 2022 to discuss and vote on a new governance plan for the organisation. 

Consequently, the Executive Committee of Skål International has agreed that the deadline of 30 June 2022 for the submission of nominations for Directors, Auditor/Deputy Auditor and Membre d’Honneur of Skål International be postponed to 31 July 2022. 

Should the new governance plan come into effect, none of the above nominations submitted under the current procedure will be valid, as they will have to be submitted 60 days before the AGA.

Thank you and best regards.

General Secretariat
Skål International