Quality Awards winner Carmen Fioriti

Carmen Fioriti is a member of SKAL Roma and is the manager for Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme, the largest thermal resort in Sardinia.

Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme

A model for sustainable development

Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme is the largest thermal SPA in Sardinia and the largest employer of the area, providing therapeutic, wellness, and leisure services all year-round to over 65.000 customers, mainly from the island. It is one of the few full-time hotels in Sardinia.

An illuminated management created over the years a very special relationship with the local community and environment, providing not only jobs but also favouring local agriculture, reducing (when not bringing to 0 in some areas) the environmental impact, participating through the tourist tax to the development of the village, developing special health services previously available only on the Italian mainland.

Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme has a strong social vocation participating, together with the local health system and the surrounding village administrations, in therapeutic programs for the elder population. The entire establishment is fully accessible to disabled customers.

Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme is almost carbon-free, producing 850KWh through solar panels and recovering geothermal energy from the hot springs, for an equivalent of 2100 TOE (a ton of oil equivalent).

Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme is ecofriendly with strict waste management, plastic-free policy, paperless processes, complying with the EU Ecolabel system with whom they are certified since 2016.

Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme is a fair employer, promoting employee’s growth through extensive training programs, providing a safe working environment (including continuous in-house COVID monitoring), and gender equality. For these reasons, staff turnover is almost null.

Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme is considered an excellency in Sardinia and a model for the Economy department of the University of Sassari (2nd largest city in Sardinia) as it follows the scheme of the 2030 Sustainability Agenda of the United Nations.

Link: Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme