Skal Europe AGA

The 1st Annual General Meeting of the Skål International Europe Area Committee will be held hybrid, in person and virtually at Venice (location to be confirmed by Skål International Venice), on Saturday 23 October 2021, commencing at 09:30h AM.

Call for nominations of Board Officers

We will require candidatures to cover the following Board positions:

  • 1 President
  • 2 Vice Presidents
  • 1 Secretary and Treasurer
  • 1 International Councillor (must be from one of the Affiliated Clubs not included in a National Committee)
  • 1 Web Director
  • 1 Communication Director

Candidatures for the offices due for election must be sent, in writing, to the President of the Skål International Europe Area Committee by Thursday 23 September 2021.

A personal, professional and Skål International CV must accompany the nomination, as well as a maximum of 150 words on your vision for Skål International Europe, and objectives for the position.

The voting instructions will be sent in due course to the clubs’ Presidents.

Provisional Agenda

  • Report from the President
  • Open forum: Skål Europe, what future?
  • Skål Europe Awards
  • Elections

National Committees and Affiliated clubs wishing to submit an item to be included in the Agenda must also be sent to the President of the Skål International Europe Area Committee by Thursday 23 September 2021.

To vote at the AGM, Skål International clubs must have paid their annual membership fees as well as any arrears, updated their membership list and have more than 10 Active, Life and Retired members.

The final Agenda, including the candidates for elections, will be circulated 15 days before the date of the meeting.

If you require any further information or clarification, do not hesitate to contact me.

Looking forward to meeting you in Venice.

Yours in Skål,

Eric Etienne – President
Skål International Europe Area Committee