Skal Napoli was approved yesterday, November 4th 2021, by the Executive Board of Skal International. The new Club was presented in preview on October 14, 2021, at the TTG trade show in Rimini.
Napoli is back, again part of the Skal community!
Skal Napoli, Club N. 75, was founded on the 28th of February 1951 and was suspended in 1993. After 28 years Skal Napoli is active again, with an enthusiastic team on the Board and engaged Members. Luigi Sciarra, President of Skal Roma, together with Anna Maria De Lucia, the new President of Napoli, are the real actors of this event. Luigi, with the support of the Skal Roma Board, played a major role in the opening of Skal Napoli, giving a direction to Anna Maria’s enthusiasm and guiding her in the process. Anna Maria is actively recruiting new Members and preparing the first events that will be announced soon.
Skal Napoli was reopened as an answer to the need for representation of many Tourism professionals in all the branches of the industry. The Italian region Campania, where Napoli is the principal city, has a very high concentration of family-run and small tourism enterprises. Skal, as an association of Individuals, offers an international dimension to all its Members in the same way, regardless of the Company. This is one of the reasons for which Skal is so attractive in Napoli and, more in general, in Italy.
Skal Napoli is committed to the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and will promote sustainable tourism.
The Board is composed of the founding members DE LUCIA ANNA MARIA (President), TARANTO GIUSEPPE (Vice-president), CIOFFI ANNA (Vice-president), MILONE MASSIMO (Secretary), SANTORO CARLO (Treasurer), CAPOBIANCO GIUSEPPINA (Programs and Events Officer), PALMIERI ANTONIO (Assistant of the President and Advertising and Sponsorship Officer), DE VANNA DOMENICO (Director and Fund Attaché Florimond Volckaert), MESSINESE MOIRA (Public Relations), SANNINO DOMENICO (Public Relations Officer), SBRESCIA MASSIMILIANO (Development and Communications officer and Advertising and Sponsorships). The Auditors are DI RUOCCO ROBERTA LUCIA and DE VANNA DOMENICO. A profile of each Board member will be available soon on the website.
Currently, Skal Napoli has a membership where the hotels represent approximately 50% and the other half is between consultants, TA/TO, DMO and Travel Media. The entrance of new members from all the sectors of tourism will make Skal Napoli truly representative of its territory.
Anna Maria De Lucia says “joining Skal Napoli will be an active experience as we will ensure that everyone has an operational role of some kind. Within the framework of the Agenda 2030, we will organise professional, cultural and social activities. We will support activities related to healthy food, from the production to the customer’s plate. We will create opportunities for the exchange of ideas and experiences within the tourism industry and with the other interacting segments of the economy“.