Tourism Sustainability Awards are a member benefit

Skal Europe’s continental dimension gives Clubs and National Committees the power to highlight the activities of single members. The Sustainability Awards are one of the platforms that Clubs can use to provide members visibility and recognition.

Let’s see how.

All the presented sustainable tourism projects will be published across Skal Europe websites, social media, and direct marketing mailshots. Hundreds of new visitors will go to the websites of the participant members. New categories of crucial keywords associated with the projects will be connected to the competing companies’ websites creating new organic (free) traffic and business opportunities.

All winners will get interviews that will be published. Winners will also be asked to participate in relevant webinars organized by the Skal Europe Academy getting even more personal exposure. The value of a good project is not only for the individual proponent but also for the community of peers and colleagues who can profit from this expertise.

This is a communication package that would typically carry a price tag worth several thousand Euros.

Clubs and national committees can use this format to organize local and national awards (Skal Italy has been doing this for years), multiplying the opportunities to give members the visibility they are looking for.

Or, to put it in a more Skal way, to provide a powerful benefit that can be the reason for many to become new members.