Transition pathway for tourism in the European Union

Transition pathways are the method adopted by the European Union to identify, together with all stakeholders, a shared view on specific industrial segments to accelerate digitalization, convert to sustainable practices, increase resilience from the recurrent crises, recover from the pandemia.

As the tourism ecosystem was the hardest hit by the pandemic and faces major challenges to achieve the twin transition, it was the first industrial ecosystem in which a co-creation process was launched to develop a transition pathway.

The aim of this report is to describe the measures and outputs needed to accelerate the green and digital transitions and improve the resilience of the tourism ecosystem.

The objective is to encourage and invite all groups and stakeholders in the tourism ecosystem to engage and play their part in the initiative.

The work to prepare the pathway has followed a collaborative approach involving all stakeholder groups.

Similar active and productive collaboration should support also the way forward.

Following the publication of this report, the Commission will invite tourism stakeholders to present their commitments to the transition pathway for tourism, and it will establish collaboration processes for the co-implementation and monitoring of the work. The follow-up of the transition pathway will be facilitated by an online stakeholder collaboration platform, which is to be established by end of 2022.